by: Karina R.

Understanding the difference between Responsive Website and an App

Nowadays everyone is using their phones for everything.  Finding directions, looking up a the closest restaurant, purchasing a product or a service, etc.

While some companies have a great website which displays on mobile fantastically, other choose to give their users an APP.

Why is that? what is the difference between a responsive site or an APP? and which one is the best for you?

What is a responsive website?

A responsive website is one that is able to display on different screens.   The content may vary a little bit depending on the device it being pulled form.

  • Users do not have to download to view or use 
  • Users do not need to update to access recently added features 
  • Needs Internet Connect to access 
  • Interaction with the user is very limited 
What can an APP do different?

An App is basically a small little program which is downloaded to your phone. This allows for the user to be able to take advantage of the device native functions like the camera, GPS, texting, etc.

This is beneficial for the user and for the company, as it opens options for closer communication and ultimately retention of sale.

To explain this further, let’s use an example of a pharmacy.  Based on the users’s location we can configure the app to send custom notification.   The pharmacy can send a primatial item when user is near near a medical facility, or send coupons when driving close to one of their locations

This cannot be achieved with a responsive website.